
25 March 2013

Book Review: White Teeth

White Teeth by Zadie Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Initially, I found it hard to grasp Smith's writing style, but I perserved and was well rewarded for my efforts. Hard to bear, and hard not to throw across the room in frustration over some characters actions, you will feel as if you have accomplished something by reading this book. And not just because you have read a critically acclaimed, award winning novel. I felt personally involved with (some) of the characters (others I just couldn't stand... Samad...). When it all ends, (and is somehow spectacular and underwhelming at the same time) its like a sigh of relief.

I learnt something from this book. People always tell you "this book changed me" blah blah blah; this book didn't change me, but I did learn something. I learnt that ultimately, things will work. Whether its how we expected, hoped, or totally not what we imagined, it will work out. Something generally comes to a head one way or another, and ultimately people will just move on in life.

Because that is life, and thats what this book is about: intersecting lives.

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

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