
5 August 2013

Book Review: Homecoming

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Now, just to remind you, I rate chick lit with its genre. That is, I rate it against other chick lit. Otherwise, I'd feel guilty for spending so much time reading it & I'd make them all look awful. And I think this one would do comparably well against other books too - Kelly can actually write!

What I liked most about this was that everyone didn't end up married. And the one who did, well it made sense that that was her story. Four women, and four generations makes for an interesting read. Everyone (from teens to grandmas) will find a character they feel most in tune with. And that is the genius of this book - Kelly has written for all, and done so convincingly.

The best thing to do is to just sit back, and enjoy the ride. You may find it a little slow to begin, and a little confusing as so many characters are introduced, but it all comes together and you can see how each character fits with another. It could be quite sad, but I never felt the tears coming on. Emotion was dealt with smoothly - there are no hysterics here, but it is not devoid of feeling. Characters react quite normally really. This is the first Kelly book I've read, but I think I'll add a few more to my list.

I also came to the conclusion, that the Irish dominate chick lit. They've really just made it their own!

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

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