
12 March 2014

Book Review: The Light Between Oceans

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Don't read this book in a public place. I was reading on the train and spent the whole time choked up with a lump in my throat fighting tears. Its gut-wrenchingly, heartbreakingly tragic.

I didn't know whose side I was on. I felt desperate and confused. Just like the characters. No wonder it won a stack of awards and spent time on various bestseller lists. The writing is sublime.

There is no right and wrong. There was no one to blame, because I understood all the reasonings. I was questioning my own integrity. What would I do if I was Isabel? If I was Hannah (yes, I am Hannah, you know what I mean...)? What would I do? I still don't know. It could have ended so many ways (I won't tell you, I'll let that keep you up at night like it did me). I'm still not sure if how things resolved was right or wrong. It was just so difficult to comprehend. And so terribly tragic in the truest sense.

I have learned many things from reading this book. That right and wrong are not set in stone, even in the eyes of the law. Desperation breeds desperation. Forgiveness is sometimes the only option. And that the past is ever present.

Five stars is no where near sufficient for this book.

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

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