
29 August 2014

Book Review: Who's That Girl?

Who's That Girl? by Alexandra Potter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Up against other chick lit, this book isn't great. The potential is there, but the execution was off. And all because of the time travelling. It was just too unbelievable. Other than that I really enjoyed it.

The plot is good, the characters well done (in terms of chick lit remember) and the ending was too fraught. It followed the same lines of those that have come before. I see why they added the time travel element - it's the point of difference. But it just hasn't worked. The premise is good - meeting your younger self. It raises a lot of questions: would you change anything? Should you change anything? Because it was these experiences that made you who you are.

Anyway, this is a book that could have been great, but it just didn't quite come off this time.

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

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