
29 December 2013

Book Review: A Cottage by the Sea

A Cottage by the Sea by Carole Matthews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So I know your thinking 4 stars - what? Really? But I'm judging this book not against all others, but against its own genre of trashy chick lit/airport fiction. And when you think about it like that it ticks all the boxes. It's one of the most enjoyable ones I've read in awhile.

The ending is kind of weird though. I saw it coming but I still questioned it. It would NEVER happen in the real world! But I am of the opinion that you should be predicting what's happening in these books chapters ahead. Part of the fun is passing judgement on the characters because you saw it coming when they had no idea. Another part of the fun is being proved right!

So if you're after some chick lit or your choosing some easy reading in the airport, I would highly recommend this book. You'll be wholly satisfied at the end of it and ready to jump into something a little more challenging.

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

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