
1 January 2014

Book Review: Vision in White (Bride Quartet #1)

Vision in White by Nora Roberts
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There is a reason Nora Roberts is considered one of the benchmark chick-lit/romance writers. She is very good at what she does. You can't help but love the idea of Mac & Carter, and you can't help but love the 'Quartet'. You want to be part of their world - one of their friends. And you most certainly want them to do your wedding! And that is Roberts' gift - she makes you want to be part of the story. It is irresistibly good.

The thing I liked best about this book was how plausible it all was. Yes it was romanticised and the characters lead incredibly blessed lives (despite the horrendous Linda dramas), but none of it seemed particularly contrived or unrealistic. Who hasn't met a guy and freaked out about how much you're into them, and then freaked out even more when you come across his stunning ex? And I'm certain there are people out their who feel more like the parent in the relationship they have with their mother and father - Linda isn't the first oblivious parent, and won't be the last.

I devoured this book in a matter of days (and upon writing this review am about to start the third in the series already!), so if you need some weekend chick-lit this should be top of your list. A perfect beach read.

The only thing you must do is read all 4. If you don't you'll miss half the story (they blend seamlessly).

buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

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